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The new bundle package.
If you have purchased a TrackIR 5 Basic from us, you can purchase the TrackClip:PRO at a reduced price within 4 weeks.
What exactly does this mean?
With the Upgrade-KIT you get the TrackClip:PRO for 35,00 Euro (plus shipping costs). So you pay just as much in total as if you had ordered the gamer set.
You save almost 25.00 euros compared to the normal price.
Order process:
Mandatory is the order number or serial number of your Trackir 5 Basic's purchase. Please enter it in the field below. Only then the Upgrade-KIT order will be authorized.
Contents of the Upgrade-KIT:
For "aviators" the TrackClip:PRO is a MUST HAVE.
But also for all gamers the TrackCLIP:PRO offers a real freedom of movement. Normally, the TrackIR is bertrieben together with the VectorCLIP and a cap. The VectorCLIP is included as standard and is simply attached to the TrackHat.
But this means that the cap / TrackHat must be put on for every game.
The TrackCLIP:PRO offers an innovative solution here:
This is a small device on which there are three infrared emitters and which can be easily attached to a headset.
The advantage is obvious.
On the one hand you can do without the TrackIR cap (TrackHAT) and the reflectors (Vector-Clip) and on the other hand you can adjust the filter of the TrackIR 5 to be even less sensitive to light coming from outside (windows from behind for example).
If you do not own a standard baseball cap, you can purchase the TrackHat right here. The TrackHat is specially tailored to the VectorClip
The new bundle package.
If you have purchased a TrackIR 5 Basic from us, you can purchase the TrackClip:PRO at a reduced price within 4 weeks.
What exactly does this mean?
With the Upgrade-KIT you get the TrackClip:PRO for 35,00 Euro (plus shipping costs). So you pay just as much in total as if you had ordered the gamer set.
You save almost 25.00 euros compared to the normal price.
Order process:
Mandatory is the order number or serial number of your Trackir 5 Basic's purchase. Please enter it in the field below. Only then the Upgrade-KIT order will be authorized.
Contents of the Upgrade-KIT:
For "aviators" the TrackClip:PRO is a MUST HAVE.
But also for all gamers the TrackCLIP:PRO offers a real freedom of movement. Normally, the TrackIR is bertrieben together with the VectorCLIP and a cap. The VectorCLIP is included as standard and is simply attached to the TrackHat.
But this means that the cap / TrackHat must be put on for every game.
The TrackCLIP:PRO offers an innovative solution here:
This is a small device on which there are three infrared emitters and which can be easily attached to a headset.
The advantage is obvious.
On the one hand you can do without the TrackIR cap (TrackHAT) and the reflectors (Vector-Clip) and on the other hand you can adjust the filter of the TrackIR 5 to be even less sensitive to light coming from outside (windows from behind for example).
If you do not own a standard baseball cap, you can purchase the TrackHat right here. The TrackHat is specially tailored to the VectorClip
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